28.08.2016 || place: Brussels || judge: Petru Muntean (RO)
After a long trip finally at home. Tired but very happy :)
This was absolutely wonderful adventure! Belgium welcomed us very hot, and not only a matter of emotions associated with Euro Dog Show
Weather for this short time pampered us to the limit (our) capabilities (35 degrees) beautiful monuments, lovely people and good food...
Belgium for sure yet I'll be back!
Sincere thanks to the judge (mr. Petru Muntean) who appreciated our young and still not quite being able to focus on one - Hera :)
Our young star won 4th place with excellent (I think this very important looking at the results) in a very strong competition of international young celebrities
*Hera* ProDexter DEJA VU (InterCh, MultiCh, GrandCh, JunClub Winner Cessar Dexter x Isia Grandis) Junior class exc. 4 /11
